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제목: QEG (Quantum Energy Generator) 양자에너지 발전기

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    QEG (Quantum Energy Generator) 양자에너지 발전기

    Announcing the QEG: Happy Earth Day!

    Source Link:

    April 21, 2014 By Clare Ultimo

    QEG developments are a sign that Earth Day means more than lip service to some…

    While we think that the idea of going off petroleum entirely would be good for the 99% as well as Mother Earth herself, we have been convinced that it wouldn’t be easy. After all, the light bulbs in your house are powered by generators that have to burn/combust something (like coal or oil or gas) to create a constant commotion because that’s how we get energy. And solar and wind are great, but our present fossil fuel based system would be really difficult to dismantle, and really expensive to change, don’t forget that etc…yada yada yada.

    “It’s amazing what you can do if you stop thinking you can’t. There are no limits, there’s nothing holding us back except ourselves.”
    John Carl Anderson, quoted from Mission I’mPossible Radio, April 12, 2014*

    Up until very recently, energy generation has been limited by our imagination. And the limits of that imagination has been shaped by our media and our schools, by engineers and scientists who provide the edges for us to work within, thank you very much. It’s hard to get past what they tell us is possible or practical and not become the object of ridicule. After all, once they imagine it for us, we follow along obediently, because we all like to sound like “we know what we’re talking about”. While wind and solar options have thankfully been entertained and accepted, in 2014 the vast majority of our world still remains under the thumb of fossil fuels and nuclear reactors. Perhaps until now.

    This Earth Day April 22, we can actually talk about something new in the way of energy generation; a gift to our planet instead of something for her to clean up later. Something that is economical, portable and totally sustainable. Something that doesn’t run on batteries or need sunlight or wind…
    Introducing the QEG generator, the heartchild of a nonprofit called Fix the World. Plans to create the QEG have been openly released to the world via the internet in March of this year. (Plenty of links to let you know what this is and how it works at now can be found at the bottom of this article.) The QEG transforms high voltage pulses that already exist in the universe naturally, and steps them down to use for anything that requires electricity.

    At the root of Fix The World is someone we call HopeGirl, a young woman who was foolish enough to think for herself and not depend on someone else’s imagination. She didn’t invent the QEG, but facilitated a team that created plans for it, tested it and then shared results with the world for free. It’s Tesla** technology with instructions!

    Don’t expect the QEG to become an overnight phenomenon or get top billing on the nightly news…yet. But if you know who Nikola Tesla was and if you know something about quantum science, the QEG would sound very natural and very possible. Many people around the planet actually do know who he is, except that they’ll never be on Jimmy Kimmel so you may not be talking about them as a result. After Tesla died, several scientists over many years have worked on related/similar type machines with great success (Tom Bearden/John Bedini, M.T. Keshe to name a few). They are forerunners of this work and have assisted the free energy movement worldwide. We owe a great deal of gratitude to them. This is not weird science after all, it’s just not mainstream science. These men, along with Nikola Tesla who died in 1943, risked ridicule or worse because of their scientific explorations but all that has changed now.

    Fix the World’s public statement on the Quantum Energy Generator (both quotes here from their site):

    “We are not in the prove it business, we are in the do it business. We are doing the work, teaching others how to do it and showing the process so that it is available to all. The most important thing is to get this technology directly into the hands of the people, which is what we are doing. Our working prototype will be proven to the world through the people who believe in free energy enough to do the work needed to bring it out of suppression. Therefore the people will be the ones to make the announcements, which will be more effective, and the people will get all the glory.”

    About making the QEG plans public (open-sourcing the plans):
    “In the first 24 hours 20,000 people downloaded the QEG plans. Since then it has gone so viral it is hard to get an accurate count. The manual has been posted on many blogs and is thoroughly spread through all forms of social media. So far the manual has been translated into German, Italian, Japanese, Swedish and soon Chinese and Spanish. Websites are being created with forums to help spread and share information. Here is one of them, and so far there is a lot of up to the minute info being posted here:”

    I predict engineers who didn’t have anything to do with creating this will become hostile about it, openly ridicule it without understanding how it works. The heads of oil companies who own most of our corporate media will make sure no serious coverage of such a generator will happen – you won’t hear about it on CNN for a while, or maybe ever. It isn’t attached to money or power so it will seem unbelievable to the sheeple who have been programmed to believe money and power are the only valuable resources on the planet. I am sure a couple of science/culture pundit type reporters, unable to understand the principle of how the QEG works (at least initially) will spread misinformation for a while too. Everyone will laugh but no matter. The thing works and it’s not expensive to build. The plans are free and already several countries around the world are building them. Nothing is hidden here, so please go to Fix the World yourself:
    So happy birthday, beautiful planet, future home for our children and our dreams. Maybe the time is finally right, and it’s no longer possible for the powers that control this place to stop this kind of momentum from becoming public. And it’s no accident that the QEG comes to us via the feminine. Didn’t you always know a girl would fix the world? I know I did…

    See also:

    Hosted by India Irie and Dave Stewart.
    ** The work of Nikola Tesla see
    Nikola Tesla The True Master of Inventions!

  2. #2
    Administrator wmaster's Avatar
    블로그 글
    Project Description

    The QEG is a crisp, clean, and modern device based on Tesla’s public domain design and built with incredible engineering precision (for example it has over 300 precision cut steel plates each at 18 ½ 1,000ths of an inch thick). The QEG is portable, the size of an average home generator, can easily hook up to your existing electrical system, and weighs approximately 120 pounds. The QEG can power your entire home, several of them can power anything from a skyscraper to a cruise ship, and you will never have to pay an electric bill ever again.

    The building of the QEG Prototype was Crowdfunded by 600+ people. The plans, instructions for building and user manual will be open sourced to the public in March of 2014. QEG manufacturing and distribution will commence via independent local Cottage Industry Community Units in 20+ countries.


    QEG 시스템 간단히 기술함


    The Quantum Electric Generator system (QEG) is an adaptation of one of Nikola Tesla’s many patented electrical generator / dynamo / alternator designs. The particular patent referenced is No. 511,916, titled simply “Electric Generator”, and dated January 2, 1894 (see back of this manual).

    양자전기발전 시스템은 니콜라 테슬라의 많은 특허인 전기발전기 / 다이나모/ 교류발전기 디자인 가운데 하나를 적용한 것이다. 특별히 참조한 특허는 번호 511,916으로 제목은 단순히 "전기 발전기"이며 날짜는 1894년 1월 2일자이다.

    The adaptation is a conversion from a linear system, to a rotary system.
    The QEG prototype is scaled to produce electrical power in the range of 10-15 kW (kilowatts) continuously, and can be set up to provide either 120 Volt or 230-240 Volt single phase output. We are also planning future designs to provide 3-phase power.

    개조는 회전하는 선형시스템으로부터 전환한다. QEG의 프로토타입(시제품)은 10-15킬로와트(KW)의 범위에서 계속해서 전력을 생산하는 규모이고, 120볼트 또는 230-240볼트의 단상출력을 제공하기위해 설정을 할 수 있다. 우리는 또한 장래 3상 전력을 제공하기 위해 계획중이다.

    Service life of the device is limited only by certain replaceable components, such as bearings, v-belts, and capacitors. The basic machine should operate trouble-free (with minimal maintenance) for as long as any good quality electro-mechanical appliance, such as a quality washing machine or refrigerator. Heavy-duty mechanical components are used throughout for reliability.

    장치의 서비스 수명은 단지 어느 교체가능한 구성품 즉, 베어링, V자형 벨트, 그리고 캐페시터에 한정되어 있다. 기본적인 기계는 (최소의 유지보수로) 성가심 없이 오랫동안 어떤 좋은 품질의 전기 기계장치, 예를 들면 세탁기나 냉장고를 작동해야만 한다. 중장비 기계장치는 안정성을 거쳐 사용된다.

    The QEG is not a complicated device, as it is designed (like Tesla’s other ‘discoveries’), to work in harmony with natural laws, rather than with the power-wasting symmetric motor and generator designs used in today’s mainstream industry.

    그것은 오히려 전력 낭비 대칭 모터와 오늘날의 주류 산업에서 사용되는 발전기 설계보다, 자연의 법칙과 조화를 작동, (테슬라의 다른 '발견'등) 설계로 QEG은 복잡한 장치가 아닙니다.

    An effective way to understand the operating principle of the QEG is to think of it as a high-powered, self-resonant oscillator (a power tank circuit), which generates high-voltage AC(15 to 25kV). These HV oscillations are then transformed into line voltage AC output, at current levels up to approximately 85A. In today’s alternative energy terminology, it would be called a type of resonance machine.
    The circuitry that develops high power in this device is really based on an existing but under-utilized power oscillator configuration, however, the ‘quantum’ part of the design has to do with how the generator output is tuned for maximum power.

    QEG의 작동원리를 이해하기 위한 효과적인 방법은, 그것의 높은 전력과 자신이 공명하는 파형기(전력 탱크회로)로 높은 전압 AV(15~25KV, 15,000V ~ 25,000V)고전압을 생성하는 것을 생각하기 위함입니다. 이들 고전압(HV) 진동은 그때 전압 AC 출력으로 변환되어지고, 전류의 레벨은 대략 85A 까지 이릅니다. 오늘날의 대체 에너지 용어로, 그것은 어떤 공명하는 기계의 한 유형으로 불립니다. 이 장치에서 높은 전력을 개발하는 회로는 실제적으로 존재하는 것에 기반을 두고 있지만 전력 진폭 설정의 조절하에, 그러나 디자인의 양자 부분은 발전기의 출력은 발전기의 출력이 최대의 전력으로 변하는가 관련이 있습니다.

    Conventional alternators (AC generators) consume more input power than the output power they provide. For example, one brand of power take off (PTO) alternator uses 18,000 watts (24 horsepower) to develop 13,000 watts of output power. In the QEG, input power is used only to
    maintain resonance in the core, which uses a small fraction of the output power (under 1000 watts to produce 10,000 watts), and once running, the QEG provides this power to its own 1 horsepower motor. This is known as over-unity.

    기존의 발전기(AC발전기들)은 그들이 제공하였던 출력 전력보다 더 많은 입력 전력을 소비합니다. 예를 들어, 전력의 어떤 브랜드는 13,000왓트의 출력전력을 위해 (24마력의) 18,000 왓트를 사용합니다. QEG에서는 입력 전력은 단지 코어에서 공명을 위지하기 위해서만 사용하는데, 이것은 생산된 출력전력의(1000왓트=1KW에서 10,000왓트=10KW) 아주 작은 마찰력을 사용하며, 한번 동작하면 QEG는 이 전력을 자신에게 1마력의 모터에게 제공합니다. 이것은 초월단일성(Over-Unity)으로 알려졌습니다.

    Once the machine builds up to the resonant frequency, it powers itself (self-running).
    In the QEG, the exciter coil is used to provide a conduction path through the quantum field (zero point) into the generator core. This has the effect of polarizing the core, which increases power output over time.

    한번 기계가 공명하는 주파수에 도달하게되면, 그것은 자체 동작으로 전력을 냅니다. QEG에서는 (exciter coil,초기발전기코일,여기자)가 양자장이 발전기 코어로 들어가도록 경로를 통해 도체를 제공하였습니다. 이것은 극화된 코어의 효과이고 오랜 시간동안 출력되는 파워(전력)이 증가합니다.

    James M. Robitaille

  3. #3
    Administrator wmaster's Avatar
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    As Promised, here are the open sourced documents for a quantum energy generator. This has been made possible by the people and for the people. It is freely given to the world.

    약속대로 여기에 양자에너지발전기에 관한 공개문서가 있습니다. 이것은 사람들에 의해 사람들을 위하여 만들어졌던 것입니다. 세계에 자유롭게 주어진 것입니다.

    오픈문서를 다운하려면 여기 링크를 클릭하세요.
    또는 이글의 하단의 첨부파일이나, 자료실에서도 구할 수 있습니다.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Download-252x300.gif 
Views:	6689 
Size:	16.7 KB 
ID:	298
    An average modern household requires 5-10KW of power to operate.
    A conventional generator needs 15KW to produce 10KW of power.

    보통 가정에서 평균 요구되는 것은 운전하는데 5-10KW 의 전력이며
    통상적인 발전기는 10KW의 전력을 생산하기 위해 15KW를 필요로 합니다.

    To produce these 15KW of power we rely on gas, diesel, propane, coal or other products that can be metered creating profits for the oil industry.

    이들 15KW의 전력을 생산하기 위해 우리는 가스, 디젤, 프로판, 석탄 또는 오일 산업때문에 이익을 창출하고 계량할 수 있는 다른 제품들에 의지합니다.

    130 years ago Nikola Tesla invented and patented an energy generator. This is a resonance machine that only needs 1KW of input power to produce 10KW of output power. His patents are now in the public domain.

    130년 전 니콜라스 테슬라는 에너지 발전기를 발명하고 특허를 냈습니다. 이것은 단지 1KW의 입력 전략만으로 10KW의 출력전력을 생산하는 공진기계입니다. 그의 특허들은 지금 소유권이 공개되어 있습니다.

    The Fix the World Organization has reproduced Teslas design with a few modern twists to generate the same results. Our Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) provides 10KW of power output for less than 1KW input, which it supplies to itself.

    세계수정기구[The Fix the World Organization]는 테슬라 디자인을 조금 현대적인 새로운 방식으로 같은 결과를 생성하기 위해 다시 제작하였습니다. 우리의 양자에너지발전기(QEG)는 그 자체 공급되는 1KW 이하의 입력으로 10KW의 출력 전력을 제공합니다.

    We have freely given this technology to the people of the world. We’ve open sourced a full set of instructions, user manual, schematics and parts list for any engineer to follow and reproduce the same results.

    우리는 이 기술을 세계의 사람들에게 무료로 주고 있습니다. 우리는 지침서, 사용자 설명서, 구조도(스키마틱) 그리고 따라오면서 같은 결과를 재생산하는 엔지니어 누구나를 위해 부문목록의 완전한 세트를 공개 소스로 개방했습니다.

    How the QEG works:
    QEG는 어떻게 작동하는가:

    First we use a starting power source, such as an outlet or a crank to power the 1 horsepower motor. This motor spins the rotor in the generator core. The unique oscillator circuitry configuration in the generator core causes resonance to occur. Once the core achieves this resonance it can produce up to 10KW of power, which can then be run through an inverter to power the motor that spins the rotor. You can then unplug the motor from the original power source and the generator will power itself.

    먼저 우리는 스타팅 전력을, 출구 콘센트 또는 1마력 모터에 전력을 주는 크랭크에 사용합니다. 이 모터가 발전기 중심(핵심)에 있는 로타(rotor)를 회전합니다. 발전기 코어에 있는 유일한 진동회로 설정은 공명(주파수)이 일어나는 원인입니다. 한 번 코어가 이 공명을 달성하게 되면 그것은 10KW까지 전력을 생산할 수 있는데, 그런 다음 인버터가 로터(rotor)를 회전하는 모터에 전력을 공급하는 것을 통해 계속할 수 있습니다. 여러분은 그때는 처음 전력 소스로부터 모터의 플러그를 뽑을 수 있고 발전기는 자체적으로 전력을 낼 것입니다.

    Cottage Industry Community Units specifically for the production of QEG’s are NOW developing in communities in 30+ countries. The People are making their own free energy devices.
    The QEG belongs to humanity now. Many will make further improvements and we will all co-develop this practical bridge technology together.

    QEG 생산을 위한 오두막살이 산업 동호회가 특별하게도 지금은 30개 이상의 나라의 구성원 사이에서 발전하고 있습니다. 사람들은 그들 자신만의 자유에너지 장치들을 만들고 있습니다. QEG는 이제 인류에 속합니다. 많은 것들은 더 개선될 것이고 우리는 모든 협력에서 이러한 실제적인 연결기술을 함께 개발을 할 것입니다.

    The QEG: For the People and By the People
    사람들을 위해. 사람들에 의해

    Fix the World is currently traveling to Taiwan, London and Morocco for the month of April to help communities build QEG’s. Everything we have accomplished has been made possible by the donations of people like you. If you would like to help keep us going, every little bit helps! Please consider giving back and making a donation of any amount to the Fix the World Organization. By Clicking here:

    Fix the World 는 현재 대만, 런던 그리고 모로코를 4월 동안 QEG를 만드는 회원을 돕기위해 여행중입니다. 모두 기부로 이루어지고 있습니다. [.... ]

    아래에서 또는 위에서 양자에너지 발전기 제작 문서를 다운로드 하십시오.
    첨부자료 첨부자료

  4. #4
    Administrator wmaster's Avatar
    블로그 글
    QEG Basics - Great "Addendum" to the Manual

    Update 4/27/14

    Great Quality Pictures and progress in Morocco, Crowdsourcing campaign on IndieGoGo launched, also an added note from myself and great link all added at the bottom of this post

    While Yes the Quantum Energy Generator is open sourced and there is a working prototype there seems to be a lot of confusion online just what is up with the QEG and its open sourcing. This post will serve a huge purpose in illuminating a few aspects of the QEG including some basic specs for those seeking such data.
    A lot of the information found in this post can be found from the two videos posted here within this post. Primarily I am taking the data from the recording of James M. Robitaille in Morocco on April 19th.
    While yes the prototype was and is producing "raw" power from the core it seems as if the plans are not yet fully finished. The idea to open source the project as soon as it could be proven to work was really done to enlist the help of other people on the project. A whole bunch of groups of people each working on their own QEG will be able to test a multitude of different insulations, core sizes, etc while sharing what is learned along the way to help out everyone on the project.

    It seems there is a lot of skepticism naturally surrounding the QEG right now and in face of no video showing explicitly it powering something, it will exist to some degree and will continue to exist while being introduced to the people. The entire idea of going through the hassle of open sourcing a hoax really makes no sense however you slice it. That being said I do see both sides of the coin in releasing of video proving the QEG works. It is an interesting dilema and I feel FTW & team made the right call by allowing the people to release proof the QEG works. It really does not seem to be that far off that a QEG will be powering a pump of some sorts to provide water to the village of Aouchtam in Morocco. All we have to do is wait patiently as with the number of bloggers taking part in the co-creation over there, it will be impossible for a working free energy device to go on unreported about in the village they reside in

    Scaling the QEG to Size

    The QEG can be scaled to size to suit a lot of different needs. The basics are all the same but changing the size ultimately effects the output of the machine. The QEG can be built bigger or smaller but when changing the core size, the resonating frequency will also change as well. The resonating frequency the QEG is currently scaled to is at 200 Hertz. Its good to know that the primary frequency is half (1/2) of the output frequency. The other main component that gets changed with the scaling is the power availability. The smaller the generator the less power which can be produced and vice versa for a larger generator. Also good to note that the lower the frequency the machine is resonating at, the more power that can be harnessed. This really has impact during the tuning process. The QEG will not just resonate at its peak spot, it will also resonate within many different harmonics and this is where attention to the machine and its wave output is critical in fine tuning it by observing the waves being produced.

    Working Theory in 30 Seconds

    The QEG is nothing more than a "tank" or "tuned" circuit. Within the core, power generation is achieved really through varying the parameter of inductance to produce a known effect known as "parametric oscillation". According to Google a "a parametric oscillator is a harmonic oscillator whose parameters oscillate in time." "Parametric resonance occurs in a mechanical system when a system is parametrically excited and oscillates at one of its resonant frequencies." As the inductance is different within the core at the poles and between the poles when the rotor is aligned or not aligned, the rotating of the rotor allows for this effect to take place and the power to be generator through operating at its peak resonance. When the rotor is aligned at the poles it has 27 henries and when the rotor is unaligned in between the poles is has less at 11 henries.

    As the rotor begins to spin a small voltage begins to build within the circuit and once it is running the power build up "takes off" as it begins to run in resonance. If you have watched the video of the group in Taiwain achieving resonance, there is an audible difference when the generator is in resonance. As the rotor gets into its groove spinning at peak resonance, there is ample help from the circuit as it seems to try to phase lock the rotor into spinning at the peak resonance. Peak resonance is achieved at a rather low RPM varying from 2000-3000 RPM by the QEG. (More specifics to come through testing and building) It is built for a lower RPM though it would be important to note that if you up the RPM once the QEG is tuned into it's resonant frequency this increases the power output by pushing the generator into a deeper resonance putting off deeper sine waves. There are a lot of working ranges here and is completely dependent on the scale though through testing and observation one will be able to find the sweet spot of the QEG and tune accordingly. May not be the easiest the first time but with working knowledge and success comes the ease of replication and much easier as more people DO and share.

    The only thing the QEG needs have added into the mix to produce the power is the mechanical energy needed to spin the rotor in the core. This is achieved through the motor and there exists a plethora of add ons to the generator here and the initial plans. A battery could be added which would be wired to stay charged while running but would also hold enough power to restart the generator so it is 100 % self powering.

    The core consists of 4 windings around the steel core. These windings are technically vibrator coils with the 2 primaries being the 3100 turn coils and the secondaries being the other 350 turn coils. The two primaries are wired in series by connecting the starts of each coils together. This also serves as a safety check by insuring to keep the voltage on the core as low as possible since in series the core can only produce half the total voltage on the core. Also these windings are opposed and one is winded clockwise and the other counter-clockwise. These windings keep the oscillation going within the core
    In this generator the specifics of the metal core being M19 at .025" thick (24 gauge) at 140 lamination depth is very important as once the generator is running and tuned into resonance, the steel in the core experiences a "piezo" effect in that the steel itself starts to vibrate and resonate with entirety of the core. This effect also allows the coil to produce more power. While the exact grade of the steel does not have to be this specific grade, the same inductance can be found throughout different grades with a different amount of windings on the coils. There is a mechanical resonance as well as a tunable electrical resonance at work in the generator. Someone working on a similar model made the core from M 15 with less windings in the coils at 2600 turns opposed to 3100 turns and it produces the same inductance.

    Insulation, Magnet Wire, & Taiwan Issues

    The magnet wire in the manual described is very specific for a few specific reasons. The letters and numbers indicate the different coating/insulation put on the magnet wire. Particularly on the 10 gauge magnet wire it needs to have a superior insulation which is known as inverter grade. James found two companies which offer the wire in the US being Essex (Ultra Shield??) and REA (Pulse Shield). He makes it seem like these may be the only two companies offering manufacture of it but having spoken with a few different wire companies they too offer similar products in 20 gauge magnet wire being inverter grade. As to specific specs, I cannot speak to that further than they said they offer a comparable product to REA's Pulse Shield coating. This coating is good to about 12,500 Volts which is about half of what is needed for the core. The remainder will need to be made up in adding other layers of mylar or other insulators around the windings.
    Once the generator is properly tuned the energy from the primary transfers much better into the secondary and the Voltage doesn't go as high. James jokes that with everyone with a screwdriver and the specific motor used in Taiwan most likely led to what happened over there as the motor speed control was changed by a screw. The RPM was turned up a little too high and it seemed to short circuit 5 turns in the primary coil once it was taken apart and examined. Nothing arced to the core and everything was contained within the coil. When it was taken to be rewound, it was rewound with a layer of mylar in between the windings. (The windings of the coils take some practice even for companies like Torelco offering their winding services for this project. A lot of the accepted changes seem to being made to the cores being processed by Torelco though not 100% positive on that at the moment) Prudence here would be the word of the day as enough insulation is required around the core for about 25,000 Volts and it cannot be too big as it has to stay small enough for plenty of clearance by the rotor. A method called vacuum impregnation could be used to insulate the entire core and is really the best and most efficient method of insulation of the cores. It is dipped essentially into the insulation material/epoxy and vacummed into the nooks and crannies of the windings to provide a very close and great insulator and when done right adds double the insulation value with very little space.
    The amount of insulation required on each winding can be calculated by taking the max Voltage divided by the number of turns in the windings. (James uses Max Voltage/6200 turns to get the insulation requirement per turn of the winding) When James left Taiwain, the group was still deciding how to go about rewinding their coil and how the insulation will be spread throughout. Once again it is a matter of providing enough insulation and not making it too big.
    Mica plates, mica tape, and mylar tape were all used in the prototype to get the core ready to be wound so absolutely no wires from the winding was touching the core. There was talk of using a bobbin to help here with that though my understanding and comprehension of that part is a little hazy so I will hold off on commenting though if any can share with me to edit this part, please do (The video also offers a lot of insight into manufacturing the cores for production in different methods of insulating the core from the windings to prevent arcing and shorting of the windings) The key is if the QEG is built to withstand the high voltages it will produce ample power!

    With the realization after the plans were made and open sourced that the generator is a High Voltage Low Current machine, the 10 gauge requirement in the core windings on the secondary coils does not need to be 10 gauge. When the the prototype was built it was specified for 10 gauge wire to allow for up to 40 Amps though now that it will not be producing that high a current, James is pretty confident that 12 guage wire could be used instead of 10 gauge wire and be more efficient. With that said, here exists a great opportunity to really drive the point home that these plans are currently being revised as more research and DOing is done and experimenting with the QEG. The more people who are testing out cores, set ups, different ideas, the faster there can become a collective model & plans based off of all findings of everyone involved. The "end-all-be-all" model if you will. It is through this DOing and testing different insulators, different methods, etc etc that the best will emerge and will be adaptable by all who are working on the project.

    Operation - Free Energy to Aouchtam

    It has taken James a little bit of time and really thinking outside of the box and the help of others, particularily in Taiwan to realize that the QEG is in its essence a High Voltage Low Current machine. Understanding this will help in tuning the machine also it will help in finding the best way to get the power from the QEG into usable power for our everyday equipment. At this point it is not even close to impossible to get some decent output from the generator using a grid tie in inverter that is on the market. The design of the QEG is for a max of 600 Volts at least for the step here in having an interface to provide the power into usable form. This can easily be achieved through the use of different electronics or a simple grid tie in inverter and through their use the output potential should easily be able to be quadrupled. It seems the biggest challenge now is finding a decent existing interfacing solution that can handle the high input of Voltage. The inverter that is in Morocco is rated at 650V and 5 Amps which will allow for the generator to produce about 3,000 Watts. Roughly 600 Watts will go to running the motor of the generator and the remaining roughly 2,400 Watts will be usable for providing power to a water pump to pump water from a well for the village of Aouchtam. (Specifics on the well, pump, and all that in Aouchtam seem to be a little up in the air at least as per the video, being that I am not in Morocco or in constant communication with the people out there, I can only speak to what data I have available to me)

    At this point James also talked about running another inverter in series to crank up the usable output to about 6,000 Watts. That is roughly 5,400 Watts of continuous usable current by using inverters though currently the team in Morocco has only one. The cost & efficiency of running a few inverters in series is really not the best way to go in the future but is a "fix" that will allow ample power to be drawn and used from the generator. To bring down the cost and up the efficiency of the output there is talks of using a line transformer at this step to provide what is needed. Essentially the same thing outside on the telephone poles as they are built for high voltage low current. Same here as with the current inverters, if there is something that will match this application to specs, it is not in anyone's (that I have been in communication with) awareness. Inverters are not made to handle the higher voltage levels the QEG produces. James has spoken with a few companies who manufacture transformers and to get a transformer for this particular application does not seem to be a hard task, it is just going to be an additional cost and potentially not the cheapest route from jump street as the transformers would need to be customized to this application. It will be interesting to see and hear how this is dealt with in Morocco though at this point James is very confident in the generators ability to produce 3,000 Watts of usable power from what the team in Morocco currently has.

    Exciter Coil - New Revelations

    It seems there has been some issue in getting the exciter coil to work throughout some different projects though the change in view of the machine into a high voltage low current machine has allowed for breakthroughs in the understanding of the exciter coil. This is really a change that Voltage on the output is suppose to be about 10 times higher than what they were originally looking at in that range. James is very confident that when 2,000 Volts is applied across the exciter coil, it will resonate, in fact he says "it will ring like a bell". The potential exists to get more than 10 KiloWatts of power out of the QEG but is really dependent on fine tuning the machine and really learning it and getting it at peak efficiency. One great thing the exciter coil does is the also polarize the core over time which will make the output higher just by running the machine.

    "The keys are there and the mystery is gone!" James remarks in the video. Ultimately it is up to people all over the world to take part in this project, design your model a certain way, and share the results so improvements are made all the time and a lot of the learning shared through collective action. I hope this post will help you maybe understand a little better just what is going on in the QEG, more details, and really saving you from having to watch and digest the important points of a 57 minute video! Additional info can be found from a video featuring James in Taiwan on 4.13.2014.

    UPDATE: 4/27/2014

  5. #5
    Administrator wmaster's Avatar
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    QEG Assembly — In Pictures

    by New Earth Paradigm
    Looking Into the Core of the QEG

    The Core of the QEG arrived in Aouchtam on Thursday night late. By Friday mid-day the QEG Workshop was humming with activity.
    The photo on the left shows the four quadrants of the Core. Two sections are considered “primary” or the parts that will produce resonance frequency. The other two sections are called “secondary” and produce output frequency. The Core contains over 300 individual steel plates that are 17.5 1000th of an inch thick, stacked one upon the other and then wrapped in “inverter-duty” grade 10-guage wire. The white covering is additional insulation material. You can see the wrapped wire under this covering. What the Team learned in Taiwan was that the QEG is a high-voltage, low-current generator. They had thought it was the other way around. With this new understanding — that power as high as 25,00 volts could be produced with this device, an third form of insulation (a specific kind of epoxy) was distributed through the wrapped wire by creating a vacuum at one end and “sucking” the epoxy material evenly through the wrapped wires. This extra insulation is a first-time addition to the assembly process.

    The next step was to tip the 150 pound device on it’s side, so that other parts and pieces could be added. It then looked like this.
    The Core of the QEG Inverted

    Jamie then held the shaft/rotor mechanism within the Core to make sure that the spinning rotor would not touch the metal parts of the Core. He was satisfied with the fit.
    Jamie Testing the Fit of the Shaft and Rotor

    On to the next step of preparing the two “Jack Stands” that would support the QEG and hold it all together. Here is the back Jack Stand, drilled for bolts and fitted with a bearing to hold the shaft.
    Jack Stand, Drilled and Fitted with a Bearing

    The back Jack Stand was bolted to the Core.
    The QEG Gets Bolted Between Two of These

    The Core Bolted To the Shaft/Rotor Between Two Jack Stands

    It took two easy, graceful days to get to this point. A small challenge developed at this stage when it was discovered that “locking” the bearings to the shaft was going to require the perfect tool and just the right finesse by someone who knew exactly what they were doing. In layman’s terms — it was a tight, awkward maneuver and usually you’d expect a lot of groaning and swearing.
    However, I bore sacred witness to the fact that NOT ONE iota of tension or frustration resulted from this discovery. The five “brothers” who attended the Queege at this point, continued on in a space of GENTLENESS and KINDNESS, quietly addressing the challenge, finding the right tool (a very long screwdriver in this case) holding the light and finally, “locking down the bearing” as if it were the most natural part of their everyday routine. Kudos to all you beautiful brothers. It was awesome to witness this.
    I want to share my personal experience, as I sat and watched the process late in the afternoon on Saturday. I felt that I was part of an ancient tradition of sitting in attendance for a birth within a tribe or small village. I was an elder, related to the “baby” being born through my membership in the tribe — we are Family. There was an air of reverence, anticipation and so much HEART in the room. Here is a photo of some of the others who were holding space for the Queege on the afternoon of Saturday, April 26, 2014.
    Some of Us Who Held Space for the QEG “Birth”

    By evening, the QEG was fully assembled and then the next step was to connect her to the motor that will be used to get her started. Yes, it takes electricity to make electricity — in the beginning. Eventually, we’ll have a “looping system” but the motor gets us going to start.
    The Motor that Gets the QEG Going

    Here’s what it all looks like together.
    Hope Loving on the Queege with Motor Attached

    That’s where we are so far. The next step will be to “fire her up” and go for “resonance” — visible, measurable output of power! Literally, the light bulbs will light up! It looks like we’ll be doing that right after lunch today. We solicit your prayers and conscious support as we do this — KEEP ‘EM COMING!
    We have young people with us with advanced degrees in electrical engineering, people who brought sophisticated equipment with them, capable of documenting precise measurements of electric power. We also have those with hands-on experience in various realms of hard science and mechanical engineering. And we have folks (Jamie and Nick among them) who are non-credentialed engineers who are following their passion and are here to fulfill a life-long dream of bringing free energy to the planet. Below are a few other precious moments from our last two days together.
    Nick (D’s Husband) at Work with their Daughters

    The Consciousness Engineers Tuning the QEG to 528 Hz (Heart)

    Awaiting the Birth — Enjoying One Another

    Healing Happening as We Wait and Watch

    Charlie, an Electrical Engineer from UK Trying to Be Cool

    Just to be clear — this is NOT any kind of official, technical operating manual for the QEG. That part is also being done by those who have particular expertise in technical writing and illustrating, as well as vidiographers, who are making documentaries and training videos. My version could be titled “QEG Assembly for Dummies.” Please share it anyway.

  6. #6
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    Aouchtam Update: WE HAVE QEG RESONANCE!!!!!!!!

    Good morning from Aouchtam Morocco!!!!

    As you may of noticed, I have been notably absent from the realms of the grand computer world for the past month,lol. Once we got through the lack of Internet and Communications issues (although they are still ongoing - a work in progress so to speak), it was then QEG build time and it was all hands on deck! I've spent the past 10 days working with Red in the kitchen of the club house to keep over 70 people fed. It's been a daunting, yet amazingly fun time!

    Justin posted an excellent update about Day One of the QEG build HERE

    Status of QEG Build Morocco: Build Day 1 - The Parts Arrive

    With the arrival of the remaining QEG (Quantum Energy Generator) components we are now able to begin assembly. There were several delays and set backs to the original schedule and our perspective of allowance empowered us with the ability to adapt. The shaft we ordered did not arrive as ordered and a second needed to be flown in. The Core arrived in Casablanca earlier this week but was delayed due to Customs Regulations. Now that all the part have been brought together we can begin to build the QEG. Hope Girl, the main spokes person for the Fix the World Organization (FTW), often makes the comparison that the QEG is being ‘birthed’ into existence; she will present herself completely only when the conditions are right. Despite timetables, scheduling and carefully laid plans we must always be open to receiving what IS so that we may plot a course for success.

    Clearing up Confusion with the QEG

    Now that I have had a chance to review the QEG in more detail I feel I am ready to clear up some of the confusion which naturally is created within these emerging New Paradigm realities. There are many who have seen the issues in Taiwan and question the entire concept with a limited awareness of the Data available. Arm chair assessments without awareness of the limited data set they are produced from will usually lead to dismissing concepts out of hand; the wisest of kings know what they do not know.

    Firstly, the QEG is not at a product distribution level of development. What actually occurred in March of this year was that a ‘proof of concept’ for Over Unity with the QEG design was achieved; there was a measurable and repeatable observation of greater energy output as a result of ‘turning the thing on.’ In addition, the designers developed a system for drawing power and self running the motor so that it produces the Over Unity.

    Continue Reading HERE

    Day Two of the build, with an excellent update on the community in Aouchtam can be read HERE

    Late last night- at approximately 12:22- the QEG was turned on in front of the entire community and I'm pretty sure the cheering was heard on Mars when the QEG achieved resonance!!!! Brian has posted a brief video of the second resonance test on his facebook page which you can watch at this link:

    I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the Champagne from the fridge and Jamie, Hope and Lisa popped the corks (with no one loosing an eye, although Hope did almost "pop" one of the amazing "cameramen" with her out of control cork, lol!) and the bottles were handed around and we all shared a swig to celebrate the excitement of the day.

    Today will be a day of fine tuning and replacing a few parts (most notably a fan belt needs to be replaced with a better quality one), and many more testings will go on.

    During this entire build time every step, every process, every piece of the QEG has been filmed and documented and Jamie has spent a lot of time recording video footage of instructions and explanations. Hope and Val have also led several discussions on the history of the QEG- from the very first inception to this point in time- the open sourcing of the plans, and their adventures in getting the QEG out to the public. All of this has been filmed and there are several amazing people working on editing it all together into a full movie.

    Along with waiting for Sherrie to arrive from the US to deliver the "Shaft" that we couldn't get here, and the waiting to get the core out of customs (which was a grand adventure all on it's own!), we've had some incredible people show up here in Aouchtam to help with the build and testing process of the QEG. We have engineers from at least 5 different countries, builders, specialists etc... plus two lovely gentlemen arrived from the UK a few days ago with a professional video camera AND very high tech equipment for measuring all aspects of the QEG output and "over unity"!!! Basically, Every single thing that has been needed, every single person that had a part to play.... have all shown up here at exactly the right moment!!! Manifestation at it's best.

    When all the data has been gathered and tested and measured, and all the information is compiled, and all the instructional videos and recordings etc edited and put together, then everything will be released publicly all at once. Until then, we will be posting updates on all that is happening here, and we will keep you all informed ..... as best we can with limited internet, lol!!!!

    I will leave you with some pictures with a few notes:

    A few final adjustments by Jamie

    The Moment of Anticipation just before turning on the QEG for the first time!

    More excellent and awesome photos can be found HERE and HERE

    My final note for the day: You cannot imagine the vibration of excitement that has been thrumming through the community- building and building higher and higher. Home is where the Heart is they say, and this is my favorite home ever!

  7. #7
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    QEG 시스템 간단히 기술함


    The Quantum Electric Generator system (QEG) is an adaptation of one of Nikola Tesla’s many patented electrical generator / dynamo / alternator designs. The particular patent referenced is No. 511,916, titled simply “Electric Generator”, and dated January 2, 1894 (see back of this manual).

    양자전기발전 시스템은 니콜라 테슬라의 많은 특허인 전기발전기 / 다이나모/ 교류발전기 디자인 가운데 하나를 적용한 것이다. 특별히 참조한 특허는 번호 511,916으로 제목은 단순히 "전기 발전기"이며 날자는 1894년 1월 2일자이다.

    The adaptation is a conversion from a linear system, to a rotary system.
    The QEG prototype is scaled to produce electrical power in the range of 10-15 kW (kilowatts) continuously, and can be set up to provide either 120 Volt or 230-240 Volt single phase output. We are also planning future designs to provide 3-phase power.

    개조는 회전하는 선형시스템으로부터 전환한다. QEG의 프로토타입은 10-15킬로와트(KW)의 범위에서 계속해서 전력을 생산하는 규모이고, 120볼트 또는 230-240볼트의 단상출력을 제공하기위해 설정을 할 수 있다. 우리는 또한 장래 3상 전력을 제공하기 위해 계획중이다.

    Service life of the device is limited only by certain replaceable components, such as bearings, v-belts, and capacitors. The basic machine should operate trouble-free (with minimal maintenance) for as long as any good quality electro-mechanical appliance, such as a quality washing machine or refrigerator. Heavy-duty mechanical components are used throughout for reliability.

    장치의 서비스 수명은 단지 어느 교체가능한 구성품 즉, 베어링, V자형 벨트, 그리고 캐페시터에 한정되어 있다. 기본적인 기계는 (최소의 유지보수로) 성가심 없이 오랫동안 어떤 좋은 품질의 전기 기계장치, 예를 들면 세탁기나 냉장고를 작동해야만 한다. 중장비 기계장치는 안정성을 거쳐 사용된다.

    The QEG is not a complicated device, as it is designed (like Tesla’s other ‘discoveries’), to work in harmony with natural laws, rather than with the power-wasting symmetric motor and generator designs used in today’s mainstream industry.

    그것은 오히려 전력 낭비 대칭 모터와 오늘날의 주류 산업에서 사용되는 발전기 설계보다, 자연의 법칙과 조화를 작동, (테슬라의 다른 '발견'등) 설계로 QEG은 복잡한 장치가 아닙니다.

    An effective way to understand the operating principle of the QEG is to think of it as a high-powered, self-resonant oscillator (a power tank circuit), which generates high-voltage AC(15 to 25kV). These HV oscillations are then transformed into line voltage AC output, at current levels up to approximately 85A. In today’s alternative energy terminology, it would be called a type of resonance machine.
    The circuitry that develops high power in this device is really based on an existing but under-utilized power oscillator configuration, however, the ‘quantum’ part of the design has to do with how the generator output is tuned for maximum power.

    QEG의 작동원리를 이해하기 위한 효과적인 방법은, 그것의 높은 전력과 자신이 공명하는 파형기(전력 탱크회로)로 높은 전압 AV(15~25KV, 15,000V ~ 25,000V)고전압을 생성하는 것을 생각하기 위함입니다. 이들 고전압(HV) 진동은 그때 전압 AC 출력으로 변환되어지고, 전류의 레벨은 대략 85A 까지 이릅니다. 오늘날의 대체 에너지 용어로, 그것은 어떤 공명하는 기계의 한 유형으로 불립니다. 이 장치에서 높은 전력을 개발하는 회로는 실제적으로 존재하는 것에 기반을 두고 있지만 전력 진폭 설정의 조절하에, 그러나 디자인의 양자 부분은 발전기의 출력은 발전기의 출력이 최대의 전력으로 변하는가 관련이 있습니다.

    Conventional alternators (AC generators) consume more input power than the output power they provide. For example, one brand of power take off (PTO) alternator uses 18,000 watts (24 horsepower) to develop 13,000 watts of output power. In the QEG, input power is used only to
    maintain resonance in the core, which uses a small fraction of the output power (under 1000 watts to produce 10,000 watts), and once running, the QEG provides this power to its own 1 horsepower motor. This is known as over-unity.

    기존의 발전기(AC발전기들)은 그들이 제공하였던 출력 전력보다 더 많은 입력 전력을 소비합니다. 예를 들어, 전력의 어떤 브랜드는 13,000왓트의 출력전력을 위해 (24마력의) 18,000 왓트를 사용합니다. QEG에서는 입력 전력은 단지 코어에서 공명을 위지하기 위해서만 사용하는데, 이것은 생산된 출력전력의(1000왓트=1KW에서 10,000왓트=10KW) 아주 작은 마찰력을 사용하며, 한번 동작하면 QEG는 이 전력을 자신에게 1마력의 모터에게 제공합니다. 이것은 초월단일성(Over-Unity)으로 알려졌습니다.

    Once the machine builds up to the resonant frequency, it powers itself (self-running).
    In the QEG, the exciter coil is used to provide a conduction path through the quantum field (zero point) into the generator core. This has the effect of polarizing the core, which increases power output over time.

    한번 기계가 공명하는 주파수에 도달하게되면, 그것은 자체 동작으로 전력을 냅니다. QEG에서는 (exciter coil,초기발전기코일,여기자)가 양자장이 발전기 코어로 들어가도록 경로를 통해 도체를 제공하였습니다. 이것은 극화된 코어의 효과이고 오랜 시간동안 출력되는 파워(전력)이 증가합니다.

    James M. Robitaille

  8. #8

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