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    PJ 37



    WED., AUGUST 28, 1991 9:57 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 012

    WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1991

    This is a crucial turning point in our efforts to lead you to a full comprehension of your own personal identity as an extension of the God-Identity. These upcoming units of discussions will be referring to the science of the recognition of the Truth of the Cosmos.

    We have been dealing with the Science of Man. We shall now think in terms, please, of Knowing the Cosmos. The purpose is to give you a comprehensive understanding of your Oneness with the God-Identity by enabling you to transcend your physical-man identity completely and thus become the "Knower of the Cosmos" instead of merely a thinking extension of the Creator whose limitations of thinking are bounded by the ever-conscious fact that the man-idea is but a part of the whole and not the whole. You MUST NOT CON­SIDER THIS AS BEING JUST ANOTHER EXERCISE IN MEDI­TATION FOR IT IS NOT AND IF YOU CONSIDER IT TO BE SO--YOU WILL MISS THE LESSONS INVOLVED. You ask and ask "how to" and yet, you must first learn "what is" or it values you not to know "how to" for you will negate your own intent. The LAST thing we desire is to have a bunch of zombies in a state of trance, sitting for hours or weeks or months. Communion must be­come your instant state of being--not something you struggle for and which evades you. Clear your space, discard all entrance to dark energies and get in balance in intent to recognize God--He is already present so what is the big deal? All you need is to learn to "LISTEN".

    When you arrive at this stage of where you can focus your Consciousness to higher "hearing" and sever your consciousness from the seat of SENSATION IN YOUR BODY, you will then be that KNOWER and THINKER of the WHOLE instead of being bound to only a part of it by the limitations of your body. As long as you are thinking about sitting a certain way, drinking a certain tea, eating a certain "meditation" food or holding an amulet a certain direction--you are focusing on the wrong thing. Any of those CAN be tools but they usually become THE OBJECT OF FOCUS--NOT GOD. God is with you constantly--ALWAYS. You must not believe you must GO somewhere OR DO some ritual--you have to simply go within into the quiet where God is located--not out there somewhere where nothing IS. As long as you look for God (out there) you will never find HIM. You most certainly CANNOT EXPECT TO FIND GOD THROUGH ANOTHER. The "OTHER" can only recognize that which is his. As you then become "a cosmic being" who recog­nizes and acts in unity with The One Cosmic Being, you will BE that One and will knowingly be able to say, "I and My Father are ONE."

    That stage is the goal of ALL mankind, for every living thing on earth is perpetually seeking God whether it knows it or not. Every living thing is perpetually turning toward the visible light which God invisibly centers no matter whether that thing is man, flower, tree, wave-current or atom. All are living things and all are light, for naught IS but light. Light is the ONE THING, the ONE INTELLI­GENCE, the ONE POWER in the universe. Those searchers for God who have conceived the ONE BEING as having wrath and anger have cruelly retarded the human race in its search for the God of Light and Love which Messengers of all time have described, but this barbaric race of humans has never been able to comprehend their meaning.

    The greatest contribution any human can make for human race tran­scendency is to give a dynamic description of God which will with­stand the tests demanded by laboratory methods and standards. The final JOURNALS of this series will fulfill that requirement and give to the world a concept of God which is so undebatably true that an atheistic person or nation would be wholly impossible in a normal society.

    This new series of lessons will give a complete roadmap from static space to dynamic motion and back again to static space. Such a teaching must be scientifically based, for one must first know God's methods and processes before one can intellectually comprehend God. Even then, one will not know the spiritual God until he has been enabled to BECOME God by completely severing his physical self from his Cosmic Self, for an intellectual comprehension is still bounded by body-awareness while Cosmic comprehension is not.

    To unfold this concept of the universe in so brief a description as can be given through these lessons will necessarily leave much to be added in detail by scientists, philosophers and mathematicians if they will but come into acceptance of the fundamental principles, but if what is given herein with its diagrams is received with open minds, it will advance the knowledge of the human race and its consequent higher status and completely change the perception of Man in less than one generation. When it is accepted you will find yourselves already living in that advanced civilization. Let us consider this JOURNAL TO BE COSMIC SCIENCE.

    I suggest you put aside all preconceived notions regarding this sub­ject except as presented by ones such as Walter Russell, Nikola Tesla and ourselves prior to this particular writing. If you entangle it with hearsay from ones such as Sagan, Friedman and the New Age channels--you err greatly for I do not sanction "New Age" concepts and do, in fact, feel that that very intent, alone, can destroy your civilization. You are in a Cosmic Age of growth and transition--not a New Age of Magic and unbased suppositions. What we give you is also ability to PROVE the concept for when the students are ready the teacher is always made available and as we move from this into the next class--you who prepare, will be ready to also move. The heavens and the bodies therein have great, great meaning but not as the Astrologers use the charts for fortunetelling. They can either be a deceiving bunch of nonsense or utilized as the tools intended--bringing unfolded wisdom beyond the imaginings.


    The ultimately supreme need of the human race at this stage of unfolding is the discovery of the existence and identity of a comprehensible God by methods and processes which will meet the require­ments and standards demanded in the laboratories of science as well as within the heart and consciousness of man.

    The tragedy of modern science is that it has already made this supreme discovery but is not aware of it. Because of the present-day misconception of the universe, which the Creator built in the image of Cosmic imagining, and of God Himself, Whom religion has pic­tured as some kind of angry god of wrath who wreaks vengeance upon so-called sinners--instead of conceiving Him as a God of Light and Love--fear has been created by man which leads to war and the preying of man upon man, and is the dominant note upon which our civilization has been constructed. As long as fear dominates the hu­man race instead of love, it will create the disunity which is characteristic of its many religions. When the day comes that fear leaves man and love enters, the age of slaughter of man by man will end and the age of character will begin.

    In human justice, we are not blaming religion alone, for science and religion are father and mother mates--science being the father. All down the ages, man's discoveries in science have progressed your civilization to the point where a man's world is its resultant effect. Man has always been master of the world and man's nature to con­quer has always suppressed the love nature of woman.

    Deeper still than science, which should have discovered the God of Love (BALANCE), or religion, which created a god of fear and wrath, is the basic cause of man's self-made troubles--and that is MAN, himself, who strayed from God's Natural Law at the dawn of Consciousness and has continued to do so to this very moment.

    Alexis Carrel was right in saying that all of man's institutions--and these include government, industry, education and home relations--were man-governed and out of balance with themselves and with each other and must, therefore, all be changed to obey the laws of Nature.

    This is why we keep making the same statement over and over for your attention: "God will work WITH you but not FOR you". It is also why you must understand the law of rhythmic balanced inter­change between all opposite pairs in Nature.

    We will continue herein, to give universal science a clearly delin­eated road map into space to clarify the mysteries which it has for so long been unable to fathom.

    When the day comes that it does so, a cohesive, unified and forever enduring civilization will emerge, resulting in the transcendency of man from his present lowly status to that final goal of his Creator's intent where he can knowingly say, "I and my Father are ONE".


    This refers to "International Science". It is strange but true that so little a thing as a wrong terminology adopted by science can be blamed for the tragedy of man even as so little a thing as a flaw in a rail can throw a whole trainload off its course and destroy many hu­man lives. That wrong terminology is based upon the concept of an electromagnetic universe. In early writings we have had to re­fer to it in the same terms to bring you to this point wherein we can now begin to give you insight. Up to this writing we have had no connection with you wherein you could understand a different set of terminology or hear our explanation and definition of that which already exists. The rest of this "course" will be, therefore, devoted to the way international science has reached its high pinnacle of success in commanding matter to do its bidding and obey its will without knowing the WHY, and yet being very skilled in knowing the HOW. One without the other is the most destructive element introduced into a civilization for it causes chaos and havoc with no means of correcting same nor rebalancing that which is unleashed with only ignorance of controlling the consequences.

    In order to comprehend the power of motion in its desire to create heat and visible light out of the cold invisible Light at rest, which Mind is, Creation must henceforth be looked upon as a universe of Mind-imagining having no reality and be known as AN OPTICAL UNIVERSE OF GRAVITY-CONTROLLED LIGHT, for God is Light and God's Mind THINKS in waves of light.

    The Christ, the consummate Illuminate of all time, told you that two thousand years ago but you didn't comprehend its meaning. The Krishna of the Bhagavad-Gita also told you that three thousand years ago but only the people of the Eastern culture faintly comprehended it. The "Ancients" always knew it and handed it down since the "beginning" through the oral tradition of holding knowledge--and now their offspring have all but "forgotten" also. I shall now tell you WHY man has not yet comprehended those teachings, for which he is paying the dreadful price by sinking into long ages of periodic mental darkness. We will begin at the beginning and clarify each step briefly and expand on them later.

    The secret of Creation lies within the light-waves of motion which gravity compresses into rings of light in which density first in­creases toward the outside by thrusting outward from within un­til the centering holes have been closed into hot spheres. Density then increases in the inward direction. This is accomplished by the octave-wave process which multiplies power by projecting it from the stillness of its Mind-source by dividing it into mated pairs which science calls the elements of matter. This constitutes the sex-principle of life which science has so strangely neglected to observe as being the BASIC FACTOR OF MOTION. This clari­fies the meaning of the divided curved universe of motion from the undivided universe of rest which the Illuminates, sages and prophets of the ages have tried to define. (See Figure 29)

    Man's science has already unknowingly conquered this principle, as you shall see. You shall also see that knowledge of the wave is man's measure of his power to command matter.

    Failure to recognize the secret of life as being the sex principle which lies within the motion of light-waves: The alternating sequences of compression and expansion are the very cause of motion, as indicated by their sequential equally interchanging inbreathings and outbreathings. It is these very generative, compressive in-breathings from the cold of space which cause the multiplication of heat in your body or in the body of the sun. Radiative out-breathings then divide it by expansion. To designate this effect of compression-expansion sequences by electric terminology such as positive and negative charges is totally unlike Nature's processes of creation of matter. It overlooks the fact that these action-reaction sequences are interchangings between the heat and cold of the di­vided spectrum of matter. Man's laboratories are unaware of the fact that they are unknowingly on the way to discovering the trans­mutation process, for that process demands the power and knowl­edge to control gravity in such a manner that they can compress or expand it to high limits. We will give the basic principles which un­derlie the transmutation principle later. Don't despair--we have at least two more volumes of PLEIADES CONNECTIONS--at least--and perhaps twenty if it is required. Sorry about that, Dharma.

    Why, therefore, relate effect to electricity when light and power companies have only light and heat to sell? Why, also, relate them to magnetism when they have no magnetism to sell? Power compa­nies can produce light and heat only by resistance to motion, which induction accomplishes. Friction, induction and compression ARE ONE.

    If a man scrapes his feet on a rug and touches metal, he will produce a light only. Why call it electricity? If a meteorite, or a spacecraft, springs into visible light by the friction of resistance through the at­mosphere, it produces light only. Why call it electricity or electromagnetism? One can produce visible light and great heat by focusing centripetal rays upon cold bodies through biconvex lenses, but that would not justify the light thus produced to be termed opticity.

    The term "magnetism" is also unjustifiable. The word GRAVITY would be used instead, for gravity both multiplies and divides by thrusting inward from without to compress and outward from within to expand. In this manner, gravity controls light by controlling its curvature, and Mind also controls gravity by limiting both outward thrusts to the cube mirror planes of zero curvature which we will make much of later on. (See Figs. 30, 31, 32 and 33) This is in complete opposition to the Newtonian law of gravity which claims that gravity pulls inward toward a center and that matter attracts matter. It is also in opposition to the second law of thermodynamics which claims that energy cannot run uphill but only downhill.

    In later pages, we will give seven new laws of thermodynamics which are in accord with Nature's wordings. We will clearly ex­plain the nature of light, which is to give outwardly from itself in ac­cordance with the love principle upon which the universe is founded. We will also explain why the more light of love that Nature gives out from itself in the one and only direction of motion, the more intense is that light and heat. The opposite reaction to giving is not receiv­ing; it is regiving, as life gives to death and death regives to life.

    Factually, there is no inward pull of light toward a center nor are there such effects as attraction or repulsion of matter (meaning light) to other matter. We know that this statement will cause a storm of protest from scientist and layman alike, but if both will withhold judgment until we analyze the laws of Coulomb and Newton, we will dispel that mystery.

    No scientist can create energy by pulling in inward from within.

    It must be produced by thrusting inward from without, as an auto­mobile tire is pumped. That means by compression. If the tire were made of a metal which could not be burst by that compressive in­ward thrust, it would cause it to create a ring of intensely hot visible light at its center and density would then increase inwardly, as stars and planets increase their densities in the inward direction. Science has already done this but does not admit that the energy thus created was projected into it, for science claims that matter itself is energy.

    Science creates air-conditioning and refrigeration that way. By con­tinuing the freezing process to near absolute zero of cold, it can also multiply the power of conductivity of such soft metals as aluminum to equal that of harder metals such as copper.

    Many laboratories have already done this, and the Du Pont Company has created what it terms new non-conductive substances by the op­posite direction of expansion. All of these laboratories have been on the way to a solution of the principle of transmutation but, unfortu­nately, are unaware of it. Furthermore, they have also been on the way to the control of gravity, which a certain distinguished scientist said would climax all discoveries by giving man an unlimited com­mand over matter. Science has long ago been in control of gravity but is, unfortunately, also unaware of that.

    The diagrams herein given explain more fully than words can how the outward thrust direction controls both the apparently opposite di­rections of compression and expansion, centripetal and centrifugal, clockwise and counter-clockwise, inward and outward, refractive and diffractive, and conductive and inductive pairs of opposites, for which the mental equivalent is concentrative and decentrative. This is seemingly incredible, for each pair of opposites has a direction of ninety degrees from its axis of rotation. Each is the reaction of each other's action.

    Always bear in mind our new law of the cycles which reads that compression heats to cool and expansion cools to again heat. Or it may be put this way: Cold generates heat and heat radiates heat to cold. This applies to the interchange between all pairs of opposites. For example, centripetal force compresses and centrifugal force ex­pands to again compress--and, man works to rest and rests to again work. All of these pairs of opposites express their forces at angles of ninety degrees from their axes of rotation. Even man lies down to rest and stands upright to again work.
    The concept of the expanding universe, without the power to gener­ate an uphill flow of energy as well as to expand it into a heat-death, is untenable. We again repeat that science has been doing it every­day since laboratories began.

    I believe this is a good place to break .off this chapter and take a break. Thank you for your attention. I would like to write again to­day, please.

    I AM --- GERMAIN

    PJ 37


    WED., AUGUST 28, 1991 12:43 P.M. YEAR 5, DAY 012


    The concept of the expanding universe grew out of the present belief that the universe was created eons ago by some cataclysmic effect that created a ball of heat which is now expanding into the presumed nothingness of space.

    To say that the universe will "die" because THE LIGHT WHICH GOD IS will go out is equivalent to saying that God, its Creator, will die or will cease to think. You would not say of yourself that you will die if you cease to think. Or, in a more humorous vein--perhaps everyone in general, are already "dead" for we see very few signs of genuine "thinking". That concept is not worthy of intelligent, rea­soning men.

    In studying our diagrams, therefore, take special note of the fact that the axes of all waves which compress or generate are at ninety de­gree angles to those which expand or radiate.


    The Coulomb Law raises the most momentous questions of all time, questions which the greatest logicians of history have been unable to solve. Mathematics will not solve them with equations which are but assumptions. No human can solve that supreme mystery except one who KNOWS the Cosmic Source and CAUSE of ALL things.

    It is a small wonder that Newton was deceived. His senses per­ceived that an apple fell TO the ground. He did not perceive that as the apple fell, its equal in potential arose simultaneously FROM the ground and sequentially the entire apple arose FROM the ground and its equal potential fell TO it.

    The law reads as follows: Like poles repel and unlike poles at­tract.

    Coulomb uses the term "magnetism" under the "ASSUMPTION" that this universe is an electromagnetic one, but that means "matter" which is the term used by Newton. Both of them overlooked the vital fact that there is a zero of attraction and repulsion between stars or planets and between poles of a bar magnet. Astronauts find that zero position but they do not call it "magnetism"; they call it "GRAVITY' and that is what it is. Iron filings will not ad­here to the center of a bar magnet. Textbooks show that they will adhere only to the poles.

    It seems as illogical for Coulomb to have assumed that the iron fil­ings were attracted to the bar magnet--which should properly be termed a "gravity bar"--as it is for Newton to have assumed that the falling apple was attracted to earth. To have told either of them that both the apple and the filings were projected there by the force of compression exerted from the outward toward the inward direc­tion, instead of pulling inward from without, would have been met with a blank stare and not listened to.

    That is the right explanation of it, however, and it is our responsi­bility to explain it so clearly that any open-minded present-day sci­entist WILL SEE how consistently it fits into Nature's simple pat­tern.

    A greater knowledge of the light-wave and its cycles is, therefore, necessary for we again say that the secrets of the universe lie within the wave. As light-waves have their nine-octave multiplying power to bring invisible light of negligible heat into visible intensely hot suns and nebulae, and as International Science is still unaware of that process, we are revealing it as our step-by-step way of completing our road map into space.

    Heretofore we have said that the universe consists of THE UNDI­VIDED UNIVERSE OF REST AND THE DIVIDED UNIVERSE OF MOTION. The first known Illuminate, the Krishna of the Bha­gavad-Gita, used the term over and over again. It is not complete, however. It accounts for but half of the wave cycle. Heretofore in these writings we have not completed it because neither you nor Sci­ence were ready to receive it. Recent discoveries in world laborato­ries have indicated that Science is now ready for some new input for the ones who recognize the mechanisms have developed some pretty gross and spectacular things through this comprehension. Remem­ber--truth of a scientific fact works for the just and the unjust and thus far, the higher technology has been thrust to deceit and delu­sion, destruction and the furthering of evil intent. It is time for Man to wake up and take control and return KNOWLEDGE into the LIGHTED INTENT.

    There are some real "miracles" appearing to come forth from the laboratories and honest scientists who dare to speak out confirm the fact that this totally new Cosmogony is gradually being compre­hended in scientific circles. It is a major reason WHY THE MEDIA AND PRESS HAD TO BE PLACED UNDER TOTAL CONTROL AND BE SILENCED.

    The complete description of the wave is THE UNDIVIDED AND THE DIVIDED-MULTIPLIED UNIVERSE. This completes the cycle. The DIVIDED UNIVERSE accounts for but one swing of the cosmic pendulum. It does not account for its countless repetitions which have given you a universe which had no beginnings and has no endings.

    This new two-way principle accounts for the simultaneous invisi­ble swing of the pendulum from its zero of stillness to its compression focus and back again through expansion. It also ac­counts for the voidance principle which makes of this universe an imagined one in which every happening anywhere is voided by its equal "unhappening" everywhere.

    It accounts for the motion picture universe of illusion which many great thinkers have suggested as a probability for if the light of man's cinema were turned off, the sequential stills which constitute the illusion of motion would disappear. So, also, would the sequen­tial waves of light of the Cosmic Cinema of the Creator's thinking disappear into blank space.

    In thus closing the discussion of the Coulomb Law, I again repeat:



    Another failure of international science is not to have discovered that the solenoid coils of its research laboratories are improperly--therefore inefficiently--wound. Did Mr. Tesla realize this? In­deed he did and that is when the real thrust was made to get rid of him.

    Not having discovered that the universe is an optical universe of gravity-controlled light instead of an electromagnetic one, it has wound its coils cylindrically instead of conically. Also, it has wound them without taking consideration of the collisions which necessitate opposite clockwise and counter-clockwise directions for each coil to create maximum gravity power without violating Nature's one direction. The diagram shows how they should be wound. (See Fig. 34)

    Also, it has not discovered that there are four pairs of gravity poles on each gravity bar instead of only one pair at its ends. There MUST be in order to account for the octave multiplying-and­-dividing power which the wave is created to fulfill. These four focal pairs are located on each side of its centering zero, the square of the distance from each other. They not only create the elements of compressed light and heat but also create the spectrum which is the measure of heat as well as being the sex and life principles of Cre­ation. The two end zeros represent the inert gases of their octaves and the centering zero marks the collision point of maximum heat. The sun and all lesser matter are created and stepped up from cath­odes to anodes. (See Fig. 29A )

    The diagram (34, 34A & 35) tells how Nature winds its coils, all going around their axes in the same direction but each coil having a clockwise direction from one center and a counter-clockwise di­rection from the other. This accounts for an equator for the expansion ends, the cathodes of cold space, and another equator for the compression ends, the anodes of hot suns. A little consideration given to this process of Nature will dispel any wonderment as to the source of the sun's energy and, also, it will account for the curvature of gravity in space. Note that Fig. 35 parallels the same effect in the union of the sexes.

    It is an axiom of science that no more power can be taken from a generator than that which the generator puts into it. Let us consider this carefully. Any electrical engineer would reasonably ask WHY these solenoids give more power than your power plant puts into them. The answer goes back to the principle of the UNDIVIDED stillness and the pairs of opposites which comprise the DIVIDED universe in motion. Nature's suns are the result of maximum motion and maximum heat. Your planets do not receive that maximum heat of your suns. The heat which they receive has been divided by its radiation. If your Earth received the entire undivided heat, it would be equally as hot, and so would all of the other planets.

    Your home power plants are the prototypes of your suns. In them is the maximum heat which the voltage of power used will give to them. That may be thousands of kilowatts. That power is divided into millions of lights and outlets in a town or city. If each of those lights and outlets received the full power of their generator, they would burn up as planets would do if they received the undivided broadly-distributed power received from their "town's generator".

    The same principle applies to the power of a man. He, also, can give no more power to any task than he has received for building his body; that is true, but he does not give his full power to small tasks like opening an egg or polishing a window else he would destroy them. They also receive his much divided power. To lift one pound takes but a little of the power that is in him, but to lift a hundred and fifty pounds might take all of it.

    Thus it is with the hundred outlets which are your house. You can take out of them only the divided power they receive from your home plant, but if you take ten of those outlets and connect them with a series of conical coils, you can heat a disc of steel to incan­descence at their gravity centers with the coil itself while also creat­ing heat units with the current at the anode points where the current collides.

    In this manner, you have taken more heat from your current outlets than they have given to you.


    Let us look at this theory for as we conclude this lesson we need to question the validity of that Rutherford-Bohr theory of atomic struc­ture.

    The preceding pages picture a consistent universe of interchang­ing swings of the cosmic pendulum which have no resemblance to the familiar diagram which we print here. (See Fig. 36)

    Allow us to question this theory. It claims that every atom has a nu­cleus which is held together by some mysterious "glue", but no sci­entist has yet discovered what that "glue" is. Every scientist does know, however, that a compression pump will not only produce heat but will hold it together as one mass, and that a vacuum pump will take the heat out of it and produce cold.

    Why search any longer for that "glue" for compression lies at the end of that useless search? Science also claims that its nuclei are surrounded by various layers of electrons which revolve around them in certain mathematical layers in planes which do not parallel the equator of its nucleus. Nature gives no precedent for such a pe­culiar action. Suns and planets are surrounded solely by rings which revolve around their equators. These rings wind up into planets which gradually leave their planes of birth, as the outer planets be­yond Mercury have done and as Mercury will also do. They still revolve around their centering suns but in an outward direction and not at fixed levels.

    Nature has no precedent for that action for all motion is spiral. The directional movement of all planets is cen­trifugal.

    If Science really knew what electrons are, it would not sustain that theory for one second. When we discuss the "Russell" new chart of the elements, we will tell what they are and this will greatly help sci­ence in the work on electronics. Suffice it for here to say that elec­trons do not revolve in orbits around any nucleus. In fact, they do not have a nucleus. They spring from the zero inert gases of their octave toward a nucleus in the first element of their fourth octave--as lithium springs from helium--then multiply in cube ratio at each step toward carbon.

    Science has already found such a particle which acts like an electron but is two hundred times more powerful. Further discussion about it is useless at this point for if the foregoing is not sufficiently con­vincing, then further consideration would not aid it but compound the incomprehension.


    As we move along into the new laws of thermodynamics I am going to give respect and reverence to the man who penned them to paper for you ones. It was Walter Russell and he received them directly from me as I now write--except that his was a comprehension capac­ity and not simply as a translator of the information. Some of you will read this and say, "Well, then its hardly 'new' because Russell is long dead". How many of you understand them from the time Russell shared them as he brought them forth for you? I thought so--hardly anyone! Your world would have already been turned about and headed toward God if you had understood. Most of you readers will have never even HEARD OF RUSSELL except through these writings or in research from these writings. Ah 'tis indeed sad for these men came forth out of their time--to test the readiness; and have always found it lacking--I hope it happens not this time also, for your sequence of events precludes further "dragging" opportuni­ties. NOW IS THE TIME, HUMAN BROTHERS--IT IS "MAKE IT" OR "BREAK IT" TIME.

    In the last lesson, we stated that a distinguished scientist said that he believed you would soon learn how to control gravity from which marvelous results would follow. I also relayed that science has al­ready been able to control gravity for a long time but does not know that it has done so. Let us consider this by giving a few examples.

    One conspicuous example is the projection of satellites into gravity-free orbits around the Earth. More conspicuous still is the demonstrated fact that astronauts can accompany those satellites and reduce their speed at will in order to lower them to the ground where ground forces can control their areas of landing. The very fact of ground crews knowing where they are at all times is another con­quest of gravity. To be able to talk to them from thousands of miles away is still another conquest for, heretofore, man has been able to talk to others only by wire until radio, television and radar had been discovered. I use this example for these are what you-the-public are allowed to see and know. There are incredible things which are hid­den intentionally from you and yet there is no use utilizing those things as example for you have nothing with which to relate the in­formation.

    This all grew from the conquest of gravity by the airplane itself. Such a miracle would have been considered an impossibility during the end of the last century. A familiar quotation then was: "You could no more do that than you could fly." This phrase would seem strange to the coming generation.

    What greater miracle in the conquest of gravity could be thought of by man than the power to hurl rockets and explosive missiles thou­sands of miles into space and to control the spot on the other side of the earth, or across its poles, upon which their projectors desire them to land? Equally great is the power of an adversary to meet those missiles, which they can find in mid-air at great distances from their point of projection, with others.

    This is already such mundane capability that it becomes totally ridiculous that you-the-public would buy into such lies as that which happened in Iraq. Right now there is pictured an installation of the giant "Bull" cannon in Iraq which takes up the entire side of a hill--openly visible. How is it that mosques were hit, dwellings and shelters--and the nuclear installations and such as the Bull cannon were not touched??? America, alone, has satellite capability set up for control of you by the Bankers (called the Star Wars Defense System) which allows for reading a business card of a specific per­son from orbit. The same for audio signals--so guess WHO IS FOOLING WHO!

    The conquest of gravity by liquefying gases, even to inert gases, is still another seeming impossibility for it is a reversal of Nature's process of heating, even as the freezing of soft metals to harder ones of greater conductivity is further evidence of the increasing power of the Mind of man.

    Even the ability to create the fuels which hurl these missiles and satellites is another one of man's miracles. It is also a transmutation process for it divides the very elements to get that part of them which serves their purpose and discards the other parts.

    As a last example of the many uses which could be cited of gravity control is the power of science to take from the high octave ele­ments, such as zirconium which gravity has multiplied by its com­pression power, and make them into transistors. These do thousands of times as much as the old "electric" storage batteries do, but no scientist would think of GRAVITY as being its CAUSE. This is be­cause science thinks of gravity in the Newtonian concept. Manufacturers of computers have been enabled to do great things with gravity and simplify their machines because of it. They, too, however, are unaware of the true nature of gravity.

    Up to a century ago, man had not begun to make any conspicuous use of the power to control gravity. God alone had that power. When the steam engine was invented, that God-power began to mul­tiply in man. That is what God intends for man who was created to manifest his Creator on Earth. God's highest goal for man is his own omnipotence and omniscience. Man already has God's om­nipresence, for his every thought and action extend to the far­thermost star and end in himself. That includes their unity with every other human on Earth--and this spells out the brotherhood-­of-man relationship.

    The tragedy of present-day humanity is that mankind is not aware of its power nor of its real Source, for if it were aware of these things man could not possibly slaughter other men in his barbarous unholy wars.


    This will deal with that which we will simply refer to henceforth as Russell's New Laws of Thermodynamics. Past lessons, and espe­cially the just prior one, have very plainly explained the Creator's process of causing a visible universe of hot light of suns and stars to appear from the inconceivably cold light of space and then to disap­pear into it or, as man describes it, to be swallowed up by it, yet man has never yet been able to discover that process.

    The main reason for that failure is that his concept of the creation of the visible light universe is that it was created out of some cata­clysmic happening in the universe which resulted in a great ball of fire. Believing this, he reasons that that ball of fire will gradually cool by splitting up into smaller balls of fire. That belief is the basis of his theory that energy lies in matter itself and of the expanding universe which will cause the eventual death of the universe. The name given to that cosmic death is ENTROPY.

    Out of that same concept of the birth of Creation grew the belief that energy cannot run uphill but only downhill. To formulate that into a system, the first and second laws of thermodynamics were formed, with emphasis on the second.

    It is very strange that such a code of laws could ever have been written or followed as sacrosanct by modern science in view of the fact that every laboratory on Earth is today making energy run uphill by multiplying the stillness of fifteen pounds pressure per square inch to thousands of pounds pressure by compressing room temper­ature to an incandescence which can melt the hardest steel into va­pors in a few seconds.

    Let me quote what one, Sir Oliver Lodge, says about it in his book entitled "Energy":

    "Sir William Thompson, our great authority, found it difficult to realize that in a steam engine the heat not only fell down in temperature from boiler to condenser . .. but that, unlike water, heat was actually consumed in the process, so that less heat was given to the condenser than was taken from the boiler".

    Of course it was, for the heat expanded into cold in the process to again heat by compression, like rain becoming compressed from hot vapors by falling into the sea.

    I continue the quote:

    "That is not so in a hydraulic engine, nor in an elec­tric; just as much electricity flows away from a motor as flows to it. The work is done at the expense of the drop in voltage. But heat engines . . . were exception. Heat not only fell in temperature but was actually consumed and turned into other forms of energy".

    Of course the voltage will drop. The heat turns into cold which gen­erates heat by compressing it. We again quote our new law of the cycles which makes the universe of motion continuous. Cold generates, generation heats, heat radiates and radiation cools. Each is the reaction of each other's action. Each gives birth to its oppo­site mate. Life begets death and death begets life. Inbreathing forces an outbreathing.

    To continue the quoting:

    "This is now sometimes called the First Law of Thermodynamics, which is a definite assertion that heat is energy. . . . Work can only be done by passing or transferring energy from something at high level or po­tential or temperature to something else at lower level or potential or temperature. So to a hydraulic engineer all the water in the sea is useless, for it is all at the same level. The fact that water tends to run downhill and reach the sea is an example of the dissipation of avail­able energy. It may do work on the journey, but the ul­timate result is stagnation. The fact that bodies actually cool, or in other words that heat tends to flow down from high temperature to low, is another example�..".

    This is not in accord with Natural Law. The new Laws of Thermo­dynamics fully contradict this reasoning.

    We again quote a conspicuous untruth from Lodge's "The Ether of Space":

    "Light is an electromagnetic disturbance. Optics is a branch of electricity".

    That is not in accord with Natural Law. LIGHT is the ONE THING
    which constitutes Creation. The fact that man can produce visible
    light by shortening the long waves of invisible light through resisting its flow, as a meteorite does, or by the friction of a dynamo wheel or a solenoid coil, or even by shuffling his feet upon a carpet and touching metal, does not warrant man to conclude that he created light. All of the consummate Illuminates such as the Krishna of the Bhagavad-Gita, Immanuel and Buddha have told you that GOD IS LIGHT. To presume that man has created Light by his own activi­ties is to claim that he has Created God.

    If optics is a branch of electricity, it is strange that no book on optics that you have around, ever makes any mention of electricity as being its basis. Optics itself makes one conspicuous mistake, and it is a most serious one because it misleads one as to the nature of light. It constantly speaks of, and diagrams, PARALLEL rays of light. THERE ARE NO PARALLEL RAYS OF LIGHT IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE. THEY EITHER DIVERGE OR CON­VERGE.

    Look about you in your own room at night. Every light in it sends curved diverging rays which converge in every other light. Look down from a plane onto cities and separating meadows. You see the prototypes of stars and star clusters in which high potential short waves lead to low potential long waves in curved rays which con­verge in every other light in the universe in the same manner. That is God's way of intercommunicating and recording the actions and reactions of interchanging pairs of opposites in His universe. And that is man's way, also, of multiplying space silence into audible sound by his radar system. In fact, the multiplication of silence into sound parallels man's multiplication of invisible light into visible light. Both light and silence are eternal and basic, while visible light and sound are transient repetitions.

    In spite of the above refuting facts, Lodge in the same book says:

    "Not yet do we realize what we are doing. Not yet have we any dynamical theory of electric currents, of static charges, and of magnetism. Not yet, indeed, have we any dynamical theory of light. . . . And when the present century, or the century after, lets us deeper into their secrets, and the secrets of other phenomena now in the course of being investigated, I feel that it will be no merely material prospect that will be opening on our view, but some glimpse into a region of the universe which Science has never entered yet, but which has been sought from afar, and perhaps blindly apprehended, by painter and poet, by philosopher and saint ". (Emphasis added)

    This prophesy is already unfolded. Strangely enough, by ones who do not proclaim to be scientists. Scientists seem to only take that which another scientist proclaims and furthers the lie. Who is there, therefore, who dares say that this knowledge can only come from books and teachings of men whose concepts are forever changing, and whose teachings have likewise changed, from the flat-world concepts to the Ptolemy, Copernicus, Newton, Faraday, Tesla and Rutherford-Bohr concepts?


    1.Cold generates energy. Heat radiates energy. Cold multiples.
    It cannot divide for it is the fulcrum of the universe which must extend to multiply. Heat divides. It cannot multiply but can be multiplied.

    2. Every action must be preceded and followed by its equal and opposite reaction. Heat is the reaction of cold. Heat could not come into being save for the compressive action of cold, nor could it repeat itself without losing itself in basic cold.

    3. Cold is static, unchanging and unconditioned. It eternally lives. Cold light is the basic ONE THING of this universe. Heat waves are dynamic, forever changing and dually conditioned. They are eternally living and dying to simulate life.

    4. Cold light is the omnipresent basis of universal intelligence and energy. Hot waves of light, which man calls matter, are a simulation of intelligence and energy. There is no intelligence or energy in matter.

    5. Static cold and dynamic heat express their opposite energies at angles of ninety degrees from their axes of rotation. Cold re­tains its static, motionless condition along wave axes where mo­tion ceases at points of maximum heat, while heat extends along equators to again expand as cold. This balanced interchanging completes the wave cycle.

    6. Cold compresses. Cold multiplies cold to create heat. Heat expands to divide heat into cold. Varied pressures of heat consti­tute the octave color spectrum cycles and the octave chemical cycles of matter. Their varied wave lengths are the basis of your mathematics.

    7. Long low waves of low potential and high frequencies consti­tute the invisible spectrum and low density gases while short high waves of high potential and low frequencies constitute the basis for high density.

    It is our hope that deep consideration of the consistency of these laws will point out to all workers in science the fact that the old laws have actually been but words to them and become a habit like deep-seated tradition, for they have not followed them in their laboratory prac­tices.

    Let us leave this portion for I ask that you review until you memo­rize, the preceding laws for we shall be expanding on them. When we pen again we shall consider SOUND AND SILENCE.

    Thank you.

    I AM --- GERMAIN

    Last edited by wave; 2012-09-21 at 20:59.

  2. #2


    새로운 열역학 법칙
    by Saint. Germain

    1. 차가움은 에너지를 생성(발생)합니다. 열은 에너지를 방사합니다. 차가운 것이 배가됩니다(곱해짐, 증폭됨). 그것은 증가를 위해 확장해야만 하는 우주의 축이므로, 분리될 수 없습니다. 열은 나뉩니다. 그것(열)은 증가할 수는 없으나, 증가될 수는 있습니다.

    2. 모든 작용은 선행되어야만 하고 그것의 동등함과 반대 작용에 의해 따르게 됩니다. 열은 차가움의 반작용입니다. 열은 차가움의 압축된 작용 때문에 존재하는 것 안에 저장되지도 않고, 차가운 것의 바탕에서 그 자신이 잃지 않고서는 반복할 수도 없습니다.

    3. 차가운 것은 정적이며, 변화하지 않고, 무조건적입니다. 그것은 영원히 변하지 않고 살고 있습니다. 차가운 빛은 이 우주의 기본적인 한 가지입니다. 열의 파동은 동적이며, 영원히 변화하는 것이고 이중적인 조건상태입니다. 그들은 영구히 살아가며 그리고 생명을 모방(가장)하기 위해 죽어갑니다.

    4. 차가운 빛은 현존하는 우주적 지성과 에너지의 기본입니다. 인간이 물질로 부르고 있는 빛의 뜨거운 파동은 지성과 에너지를 흉내 냅니다. 물질에는 지성(지능)과 에너지는 없습니다.

    5. 정적인 차가움과 동적인 뜨거움은 그들의 회전축으로부터 90도 각도에서 그들의 반대의 에너지들을 표현합니다. 열이 차가움처럼 다시 확장하기 위해 적도를 따라 확장하는 반면, 차가움은 열의 최대의 지점에서 움직임이 중단되는 파동의 축들을 따라 그것의 정적인 상태(고요)와 움직이지 않는 조건들을 유지(지속, 지탱)합니다. 이 균형 있는 상호교환은 파동의 주기를 마치게 됩니다.

    6. 차가움은 압축합니다. 차가움은 열을 만들어내기 위해 차가움을 증폭합니다. 열은 냉각으로 들어가기 위해 열을 나누려고 확장합니다. 그들의 다양한 파장(파의 길이)이 여러분 수학의 기초입니다.

    7. 낮은 잠재력(포텐셜)의 길고 낮은 파동과 높은 주파수들은 보이지 않는 스펙트럼을 구성하고, 높은 잠재력(포텐셜)의 짧고 높은 파동과 낮은 주파수들은 높은 밀도를 위한 토대를 구성합니다.
    Last edited by wave; 2012-09-21 at 13:46.

  3. #3
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    블로그 글

    열역학 제2법칙은 에너지의 생성과 소멸의 관점을 통시적으로 해석하지 못한 잘못된 것이다.

    열역학 제2법칙은 에너지의 생성과 소멸의 관점을 통시적으로 해석하지 못한 잘못된 것이다. 열현상에 관한 새로운 이론은 이렇다.

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    Direction of force in the gravity cycle
    중력사이클에서의 힘의 방향

    동등한 변환 효과의 반복된 주기적 파동 우주에서 열역학 제2법칙은 잘못된 것이다.

    열은 차가움으로 발산하고, 차가움은 열로 다시 생성된다.
    우주의 맥박은 계속된다.
    Last edited by wmaster; 2013-04-26 at 14:02.

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